
hooked on vintage!

The Loved One
@ hannah & landon metz

„Vintage clothing represents a growing trend in the art of creating a personal and individual look among five distinctly different and decidedly creative women, each with over 10 years of experience buying and wearing vintage dress. Making discriminating clothing selections to reveal an authentic self is what pursuing vintage is all about for them. The search for and wearing of vintage is about satisfying personal desires, needs, and motivations. It is also about shopping for identities, constructing images that include presenting status and identities in public, as well as revealing and concealing our private selves. The “way we look” involves not only how we perceive and discriminate clothing, but how we create a unique appearance through selecting and combining clothing ensembles, designing the body, and the reasoning that goes into that process. Shopping and wearing vintage is like being your own designer because you can choose and combine your ensemble from a variety of eras including contemporary, thereby creating a new and unique identity. In the 21st century knowing how to create a unique look in an otherwise bland mass-produced market may be a way to regain one’s individuality through re-valuing and reuse, and redefine fashion in the process.“ (Delong, Marilyn: Hooked on Vintage! Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body & Culture, Volume 9, Number 1, March 2005)

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