
world wide knit in public day

am 13. Juni ist es wieder einmal soweit, der world wide knit in public day findet statt. in wien werden es sogar zwei kip events sein.

location: stadtpark/15:00
hosts: carla & yarnbird
How to get there:
it will happen in the stadtpark, let’s say in the lawn near the little lake. conveniently situated with u4 (station stadtpark), u3 and tram (station stubentor).
Please bring:
cupcakes, cookies, cakes, subversive crafting supplies, mp3 player and speakers, something to drink and your mom! and your dad! and your grandparents! let’s knit skirts, baby jackets, moustaches, socks and guerilla clothing for trees!
The backup plan is:
yarnbird has a backup plan, if it’s raining, she will host an event at starbucks wien-mitte, which is near the stadtpark

location: museumsquartier/11:00
host: umschlagplatz
How to get there:
Let’s knit and come together at the Museumsquartier, one of the most frequented public places in vienna. Beyond that the Museumsquartier is a huge cultural complex, which is located in an inner-city district of vienna. Museumsquartier The Museumsquartier is located at the beginning of the Mariahilferstraße.rnU3 – VolkstheaterrnU2 – Museumsquartier You will find us somewhere next to the leopold museum.
Please bring:
Bring your knitting stuff, something to drink, eat (you also can buy it at the Museumsquartier). If it is hot, and we hope it will be, maybe something for your head and skin. And all your friends.
The backup plan is:
If it starts raining we will go the the ‚Top Kino‘. The Top Kino is next to the Museumsquartier. TOP Kino:Rahlgasse 1 (Ecke Theobaldgasse) 1060 Wien

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